Adult Jazz – “Am Gone” (Stereogum Premiere)

On “Am Gone,” one of two A-sides from a new 12-inch single, Leeds quartet Adult Jazz sounds like a smoother, sleeker answer to Dirty Projectors — quirky and disjointed, yet somehow gliding gracefully through the air. There are slight bluesy and jazzy undercurrents, but at the core is burning-heart songwriting. It sounds as if all the jerks and quivers are ways for the band to work out its neuroses. This is a hell of a song, understated and powerful, and you should stream it below.
The “Am Gone”/”Springful” 12-inch, backed by an untitled track, is out this week via Spare Thought. Get it at iTunes or Bandcamp. And if you’re in the U.K., check out Adult Jazz at these dates next month:
2/5 London, UK @ Servants Jazz Quarters
2/6 Leeds, UK @ Wharf Chambers