Vote For The Song Of The Summer 2024

It’s that time again. We’re almost to August, which means you’ve had many weeks to gather your thoughts, to live your best life, to experience all kinds of music (and its accompanying memes) across long, hot days and nights. We, collectively, have been training for this moment, and we’re ready for the task at hand: democratically determining the Song Of The Summer.
Once again, we at Stereogum are asking you all to vote on the defining song of this season. It doesn’t have to be a new release — recall that “Running Up That Hill” won in 2022 on the heels of its Stranger Things-powered resurgence. It doesn’t even have to be in the zeitgeist like that; your vote represents you, and if you’ve been strictly listening to the classics this summer, no one would blame you. That said, the current moment has yielded a handful of legit contenders from all over the genre map this year, which should make for a fun list when all the ballots are tallied.
To participate in the poll, we ask that you submit your email address, which we will not share with anyone and will only use to sign you up, with your permission for our truly excellent weekly email newsletter. It’s a great way to keep up with what’s been going on around here from week to week. I highly recommend it.
OK, let’s do this! Cast your vote below, and then head to the comments section to campaign for your favorites. The poll will be open until noon ET on July 31.